How to Clean Nfinity Cheer Shoes

Nfinity cheer shoes are known for their style, comfort, and performance, but keeping them looking fresh and clean can be tricky. Whether you’re gearing up for the next competition or want to keep them in tip-top shape for practice, this guide will show you how to clean your Nfinity cheer shoes without compromising their quality. Let’s dive into some simple and effective steps to make them shine like new!

How to Clean Nfinity Cheer Shoes

Tools Needed to Clean Nfinity Cheer Shoes

  1. Mild Detergent: Gentle, non-bleach soap or detergent that won’t damage the fabric.
  2. Soft Brush or Cloth: A soft-bristle brush or microfiber cloth for scrubbing dirt and stains.
  3. Water: Lukewarm water to mix with the detergent.
  4. Baking Soda: Optional for odor control and additional stain removal.
  5. Toothbrush: Ideal for getting into small crevices and stitching.
  6. Old Towels or Paper Towels: For drying after cleaning.
  7. Mesh Laundry Bag (Optional): Useful for machine washing while providing extra protection.

How to Clean Nfinity Cheer Shoes

Remove Laces and Insoles

Take out the laces and insoles to clean them separately. Set them aside for later.

Use a Soft-bristled Brush to
Brush Off Surface Dirt and Debris

Brush Off Dirt

Use a soft brush or an old toothbrush to remove any loose dirt or mud from the surface and sole of the shoes.

Gently Scrub the Shoes

Prepare Cleaning Solution

In a bowl, mix lukewarm water with a small amount of mild detergent. Stir gently to create a soapy solution.

Make a Paste With Baking Soda and Water

Scrub the Shoes

Dip your brush or cloth into the solution and gently scrub the shoes, focusing on stained areas. Be thorough but avoid harsh scrubbing, as it could damage the fabric.

Apply This Mixture to the
Inside of the Shoes With a Cloth

Rinse Carefully

Rinse the shoes with clean water to remove any leftover soap. Make sure all detergent is washed away.

Stuff and Shape

Stuff the shoes with paper towels to help them retain their shape while drying.

Let the Shoes Air Dry in a Well-ventilated Area

Air Dry

  • Place the shoes in a well-ventilated area, away from direct sunlight or heat sources. Let them air dry completely.

Clean Laces and Insoles

  • Wash the laces and insoles separately using the same soapy solution. Rinse thoroughly and let them air dry.


  • Once everything is dry, put the laces and insoles back into the shoes.

By maintaining a regular cleaning routine for your Nfinity cheer shoes, you help ensure their longevity and support for your cheerleading endeavors.

Final Words

Keeping your Nfinity cheer shoes clean doesn’t have to be complicated. With the right tools, a bit of care, and a little time, you can ensure your shoes remain in top condition for every practice and competition.

By following these simple steps, you’ll help maintain their performance and appearance, giving you that extra confidence on the mat. Take care of your gear, and it’ll keep you looking and feeling your best.

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