How to Hide a GPS Tracker in the Shoe

Looking to keep your movements under wraps? Hiding a GPS tracker in your shoe might just be the trick you need.

How to Hide a GPS Tracker in the Shoe

Whether you’re a private investigator on a stakeout or simply want to keep tabs on your own whereabouts, concealing a GPS device in your footwear can offer a discreet solution. But before you dive into the details, let’s explore the ins and outs of this covert technique.

Tools We Need to Hide a GPS Tracker in a Shoe

  • GPS tracker device: A small gadget capable of pinpointing location.
  • Shoes with extra space: Opt for footwear with removable insoles or thick soles.
  • Sharp utility knife or scissors: Needed to carefully create space in the shoe.
  • Strong adhesive: Use double-sided tape or super glue to secure the tracker.

How to Hide a GPS Tracker in a Shoe 

Prepare the Shoe

Start by selecting a shoe with enough space to hide the GPS tracker. Shoes with removable insoles or thick soles work best for this purpose.

Pick a Small and Light GPS Tracker

Remove the Insole

Carefully take out the insole from the shoe to create space for the tracker. Gently pull it out, being cautious not to damage it.

Find a Secret Spot Inside Your Shoe

Position the GPS Tracker

Place the GPS tracker inside the shoe where it won’t be easily seen or felt. Make sure it fits snugly and won’t move around.

Secure the Tracker

Make Adjustments if Needed:

If the tracker doesn’t fit perfectly, use a sharp utility knife or scissors to make a small slit or opening in the sole to accommodate it.

Secure the Tracker

Use a strong adhesive such as double-sided tape or super glue to firmly attach the tracker to the inside of the shoe. Ensure it’s securely in place and won’t come loose.

Reassemble the Shoe

Reinsert the Insole

Once the tracker is secured, gently put the insole back into the shoe, making sure it fits properly and covers the tracker completely.

Test for Discretion

Before using the shoe, walk around a bit to ensure the tracker remains hidden and doesn’t cause any discomfort. Adjust if necessary.

With these steps, you can effectively conceal a GPS tracker in your shoe for whatever purpose you require.

Precaution while Hiding a GPS Tracker in a Shoe

When you hide a GPS tracker in a shoe, it’s important to be cautious and take a few safety measures:

  • Avoid Obstruction: Make sure that nothing inside your shoe blocks the tracker’s signals. Think of it like making sure your radio has a clear signal so you can listen without any interference.
  • Comfort: Adjust the tracker’s placement inside the shoe to avoid any discomfort while wearing it. It’s similar to making sure your shoe doesn’t pinch your toes you want it to feel good.
  • Battery Life: Keep an eye on how long the tracker’s battery lasts and remember to charge it as needed. Just like your toys need new batteries to work, the tracker does too.
  • Legal Considerations: Be aware of privacy laws and think about what’s right when tracking people. It’s like following the rules when you play a game – you want to make sure everyone is okay with it.
  • Durability: Choose a tough tracker that can handle the regular wear and tear of being in a shoe. Think of it like picking a strong backpack that won’t rip when you fill it with stuff.

By following these simple precautions, you can hide your GPS tracker in your shoe safely and effectively.


Can You Hide a GPS Tracker in a Shoe?

You can hide a GPS tracker in your shoe. This method is getting more popular because it’s good for your safety and tracking things. All you need to do is pick a small, quiet tracker and put it where it won’t be seen or felt in your shoe. It’s like having a secret helper with you.

How Can You Block a GPS Tracker?

Blocking a GPS tracker means making it stop working. You can do this by using things like metal or special bags that stop the signals. But remember, if you want to do this, you should be careful and follow the rules because it might affect safety. It’s a bit like making sure your noisy toys don’t bother others.

Can You Put a Tracker in a Shoe?

You can put a tracker in a shoe. You can do this by securing a small GPS device in a hidden part of the shoe. It’s an easy way to watch where you go without needing another device to carry. Think of it like having a secret agent right in your shoe!

Can I Disable a Tracker?

Yes, you can usually stop a GPS tracker from working. Here’s how:

  • Turn it off: Most trackers have a button or a switch to turn them off.
  • Take out the battery: Removing the batteries makes the tracker powerless.
  • Use a GPS jammer: Some devices can block the signals from the tracker. But, be careful because using a jammer can be against the law in many places because it might mess up important signals.

Remember, it’s essential to follow the rules and laws when dealing with trackers.

Do Gps Trackers Work Everywhere?

GPS trackers usually work well when they can see the sky. But they might not work so well:

  • Indoors: Inside buildings, they can have trouble getting a signal because walls block the signals.
  • In crowded cities: In busy places with lots of tall buildings, it can be tough for the tracker to see the sky.
  • In deep forests: Trees can also block the signals.

So, while GPS trackers are handy, they have their limits depending on where you are.


Hiding a GPS tracker in a shoe presents a unique, discreet method for ensuring personal safety and tracking important journeys.

While the process requires careful consideration of the type of tracker, placement, and adherence to legal and ethical guidelines, it offers a seamless way to integrate safety into daily life. This article has explored how to hide a GPS tracker in the shoe.

Whether for keeping track of loved ones, personal security, or tracking athletic performances, this method provides a solution that blends technology with everyday convenience.

As technology continues to evolve, such innovative approaches to safety and security will become increasingly prevalent, offering peace of mind in an ever-changing world.

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